At the Library at Hopkinton High School & Hopkinton Middle School

Friday, December 16, 2011

I Love Our Library Because...

Okay, HMHS staff and students, come visit the library and place a mitten on our poster that finishes the statement, "I love our library because..."

We'd love to see what you think! Mrs. Zecha will be placing some of the quotes from this project in our next library newsletter, so stay tuned.

We have just put out lots of new books so come take a look and stock up for vacation.

Finally, if you haven't yet, visit our online newsstand for current events in a variety of areas. The Online Newsstand Project was developed by Steve Butzel at the Portsmouth Public Library, and librarians around the state help contribute to the project. If you are accessing our newsstand at home, you will need to use the EBSCO username and password to read the articles. No password needed in school.

Have a great vacation!