At the Library at Hopkinton High School & Hopkinton Middle School

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November News

There is a lot happening here in the library, and we can't believe it's the end of November already! We wish all our staff and students and their families a happy Thanksgiving holiday break. Take some time to enjoy a good book.

Upcoming Page Turners' meeting times are Tuesday, 12/2, and Tuesday, 12/16, during 1st lunch. We hope you join us for continued discussion of The Hungry Tide and The Wind in the Willows.

We have had a lot of new books arrive in the past several weeks. Ask us if you need a recommendation. One of our new favorites is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Finally, look for our "book swap" cart that will be introduced soon - books free for the taking. We will be registering those books with, a website that assigns ID numbers to registered books, so that anyone who picks up a book with an ID can write a brief journal entry about the book, free and anonymously. The goal is to then leave the book somewhere else for a stranger to pick up and read. The idea is to keep books circulating in the world, free, with people journaling about the books as they read them - kind of like a "message in a bottle." Some quotes about "an online trend that has people committing random acts of kindness" (National Public Radio); "an innovative attempt to make the whole world a library" (; "a phenom among readers with a taste for mischief and a touch of altruism" (The Los Angeles Times); and "a craze that is catching on globally" (The London Times). If you visit, you can locate books that have been "released" in NH, and see if you can catch them.