At the Library at Hopkinton High School & Hopkinton Middle School

Friday, December 16, 2011

I Love Our Library Because...

Okay, HMHS staff and students, come visit the library and place a mitten on our poster that finishes the statement, "I love our library because..."

We'd love to see what you think! Mrs. Zecha will be placing some of the quotes from this project in our next library newsletter, so stay tuned.

We have just put out lots of new books so come take a look and stock up for vacation.

Finally, if you haven't yet, visit our online newsstand for current events in a variety of areas. The Online Newsstand Project was developed by Steve Butzel at the Portsmouth Public Library, and librarians around the state help contribute to the project. If you are accessing our newsstand at home, you will need to use the EBSCO username and password to read the articles. No password needed in school.

Have a great vacation!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Our library has a new resource for staff and students, called LibGuides. LibGuides are research pathfinders and collections of information/resources on a variety of topics. We will keep adding to these as the year progresses, but examples of current LibGuides include information on how to use GoogleDocs, Copyright and Plagiarism, Remembrance of 9/11, Website Evaluation, and Research Steps. Teachers may choose to create a LibGuides for a particular unit of study. Take a look!

As always, please talk to us about any ideas or feedback you may have regarding LibGuides.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome Back to the 2011-12 School Year

September is almost over already. Bookclubs for all grades have begun, and students are busy with classes and sports. High school homecoming is next weekend. All the library Nooks are checked out, as well as lots of new books that came in over the summer. If you haven't visited the library yet, come see us to take a look at what's new.

Yesterday, I came across Hank Green's Read It 1st pledge, which is something he started to get people motivated to read the book before seeing the movie. In 2010, half of the top selling movies were based on books. Take a look at his YouTube video (it's funny!):

If you want more information, take a look at

For a list of new titles so far this fall, you can take a look at our list.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Congratulations Class of 2011, and Happy Summer!

This past Friday, June 10, the Class of 2011 graduated from Hopkinton High School. Congratulations to all the graduates, and we wish you all the best in the future. For the rest of our students, school ends on June 23rd.

This has been a fast year, with many changes to our library. We started the year with new computers and netbooks, added Nook ereaders, and continued with very active book clubs for all grades. Our book clubs read a total of over ten books!

Finally, for those of you who haven't heard, the winners of our 2011 NH Flume and Isinglass Awards were as follows:

2011 Flume Award Winner:

Paper Towns, by John Green

2011 Isinglass Award Winner:

The Maze Runner, by James Dashner

For next year's list of Award nominees, stop by the library to pick up a brochure, or visit Barrington Public Library's Teen Zone to download your own Isinglass brochure, and Nashua Public Library's Flume Page to download your own Flume brochure. Happy summer reading!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nook Update

An update on the Nook ereaders: The Hopkinton PTA delivered not two, but THREE Nook ereaders to our library on March 25, 2011. We have been cataloging them, purchasing Nook ebook titles, and getting ready to loan them out to our high school students. We are almost ready, with an anticipated date for circulation set for April 11, 2011. Come ask us about them!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nooks Are Coming!

Thanks to the generosity of our Hopkinton PTA, we will be able to purchase two Barnes & Noble Nook ereaders. We chose the Nook over Amazon's Kindle because the Nook is compatible with the NH State Library's subscription to Overdrive, accessed through the Hopkinton Town Library. This extends the amount of titles that we can offer. We are really excited to offer this opportunity to our students and staff. The Nooks will check out just like a book - for a period of three weeks. We will provide more information on our library website, with tutorial information for students. Once again, a HUGE thank you to our PTA!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Award Winners

Yesterday, the American Library Association announced this year's award winners for Youth Media. In the Young Adult category, the Printz Award for Excellence in YA Literature went to the novel Shipbreaker, by Paolo Bacigalupi. The award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults went to Janis Joplin: Rise Up Singing, by Ann Angel. Come to the library to get these books and to see if you agree!